zoe Protein Bar, Sacher Cake, 50 g

Chocolate Fitness Masterpiece According to a Famous Austrian Recipe

Zoe Sacher Chocolate Cake Protein Bar is a new chocolate masterpiece in sports supplementation. Produced in Austria, the home of the original Sacher torte, this 50g protein chocolate bar guarantees a sensation for the taste buds.

What makes Zoe HI Protein Bar unique?

Zoe Sacher protein bar is specially made for women, although men can also enjoy it. This uniquely flavored protein bar will delight every fitness enthusiast who cares about their nutrition and health.

Zoe Sacher protein bar is made to support the active lifestyle of every woman. It differs from other bars on the market due to its recipe, which includes two important sources of protein – whey protein and hydrolyzed collagen peptides. The synergy of these ingredients makes an extraordinary and unique product.

The texture of Zoe Sacher chocolate cake protein bar is soft and distinctive because of its crispy outer layer of dark chocolate and the apricot-flavored filling, which represents the identical jam in the original recipe.

Protein and collagen together in the most delicious harmony of taste!

Compared to other bars, Zoe Sacher contains a high amount of protein, as well as collagen, which is known for its contribution to bone health and muscle sustainability. Zoe Sacher bar is an ideal 2-in-1 combination that contributes to body health as well as beauty, promoting a healthy and radiant appearance.

Quality and transparency come first

The biggest feature of Zoe Sacher protein bar is an uncompromising dedication to quality and transparency. There are no compromises in ingredients and production; only top-quality chocolate is used, produced in small batches using the bean-to-bar method. This is the only way we can guarantee the best quality chocolate.

Our Zoe protein bar contains only clinically proven ingredients that support the body in its activities. Our collagen is bioactive and not heated, ensuring fast absorption in the body. With only 181 calories, Zoe Sacher protein bar is low in calories and an ideal choice for a snack or a fit dessert!

We believe only in the best quality and premium ingredients, which is why our Zoe Sacher protein bar is designed to meet all your needs. Our commitment to taste and ethical product origin makes this bar the best choice for anyone who wants the best for their spirit, body, and taste buds.

Product features:

  • Hi Protein 30g per 100g
  • With premium hydrolyzed collagen
  • No added sugars
  • Easily digestible
  • No oils
  • Produced in Austria


Can be consumed as a protein snack at any time of the day.

Important Information: An adequate and varied diet as well as a healthy lifestyle are important. Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.


Average Nutritional Values per

50 g

100 g

Serving size: 50 g
Servings per package: 1

772 kJ / 181 kcal

1 554 kJ / 362 kcal

- Saturated fatty acids
- Trans fats

7,1 g
3,3 g
0 g

14 g
6,6 g
0 g

- Sugar
- Polyols

16 g
5,5 g
13 g

32 g
11 g
27 g


15 g

30 g


0,12 g

0,24 g

Ingredients: Protein blend (whey protein isolate, hydrolyzed collagen peptides, whey protein concentrate) 33%, dark chocolate with sweetener {cocoa mass, sweetener (E965), cocoa butter, emulsifier [E322 (soy)], flavor} 20%, humectant (E422), apricot filling [sugar, water, apricot puree 16%, dextrose, glucose syrup, apricot pulp concentrate 3.5%, gelling agent (E440), acidifier (E330), natural flavor, acidity regulators (E333, E450), preservative (E202)] 10%, stabilizer (E1200), humectants and sweeteners (E420, E965ii), sunflower oil, shea butter, cocoa powder, flavor, emulsifier (E415), milk powder, sweetener (E955), emulsifier [E322 (soy)], acidifier (E300), raising agent (E500), salt. *from milk.

Allergen Information: May contain traces of nuts and gluten-containing cereals.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place up to 22°C, protected from direct sunlight.

Manufacturer: Manufactured in the EU for Zoe Fashion Ltd., Samoborska cesta 134, 10090 Zagreb, Croatia

Country of Origin: EU. Collagen and whey: non-EU


50 g

Supplements fact per / Zutaten in der empfohlenen Tagesdosis / Sastojci u preporučenoj dnevnoj dozi / Sestavine v priporočeni dnevni dozi 50 g100 g
Energy / Energie / Energetska vrijednost / Energijska vrednost 772 kJ / 184 kcal1544 kJ / 368 kcal
Fat / Fett / Masti / Maščobe8,8 g18 g
- of which saturates / davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / od kojih zasićene masne kiseline / od teh nasičene maščobne kisline5,6 g11 g
- trans-fatty acids / Trans-Fettsäuren / trans-masne kiseline / trans-maščobne kisline0 g0 g
Carbohydrate / Kohlenhydrate / Ugljikohidrati / Ogljikovi hidrati21 g43 g
- of which sugars / davon Zucker / od kojih šećeri / od teh sladkorji0,3 g0,6 g
- From which polyols / davon mehrwertige Alkohole / od kojih polioli / od teh polioli20 g41 g
Protein / Eiweiß / Bjelančevine / Beljakovine 12 g25 g
Salt / Salz / Sol0,03 g0,05 g
EN zoe Nutrition Protein Bar - Protein-enriched bar with chocolate flavor, filled with apricot filling and coated with dark chocolate, with sugar and sweeteners. Ingredients: Protein mixture (WHEY protein isolate, hydrolised collagen peptides, WHEY protein concentrate), 33%, dark chocolate with sweetener [cocoa mass, sweetener (E 965)], cocoa butter, emulsifier [E322 (SOYA), flavour], 20%, Moisture-retaining agent (E 422), Apricot filling [sugar, water, Apricot puree 16%, dextrose, glucose syrup, Apricot pulp concentrate 3.5%, gelling agent (E 440), acid (E 330), natural flavour, acidity regulators (E 333, E 450), preservative (E 202), 10%], stabiliser (E 1200), Moisture-retaining agents and sweeteners (E 420, E 965ii), sunflower oil, shea butter, cocoa powder, flavour, emulsifier (E 415), MLIK powder, sweetener (E 955), emulsifier [E 322 (SOYA)], acid [E 300, raising agent (E 500, salt)]. Allergens: May contain traces of nuts and gluten. Important information: Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect. Storage: Store in cool and dry place up to 22°C. Best before end / LOT number: See packaging.


AT/DE/CH zoe Nutrition Protein Bar - Mit Proteinen angereicherter Riegel mit Schokoladengeschmack, gefüllt mit Aprikosen und dunklem Schokoladenüberzug, mit Zucker und Süßungsmittel. Zutaten: Proteinmischung (MOLKENproteinisolat, hydrolysierte Kollagenpeptide, MOLKENproteinkonzentrat), 33%, dunkle Schokolade mit Süßungsmittel [Kakaomasse, Süßungsmittel (E 965)], Kakaobutter, Emulgator [E322 (SOJA), Aroma], 20%, Feuchthaltemittel (E 422), Aprikosenfüllung [Zucker, Wasser, Aprikosenpüree 16%, Traubenzucker, Glukosesirup, Aprikosenmarkkonzentrat 3.5%, Geliermittel (E 440), Säuerungsmittel (E 330), natürlicher Geschmack, Säureregulatoren (E 333, E 450), Konservierungsstoff (E 202), 10%], Stabilisator (E 1200), Feuchthaltemittel und Süßungsmitteln (E 420, E 965ii), Sonnenblumenöl, Shea Butter, Kakaoextrakt, Aroma, Emulgator (E 415), MILCHpulver, Süßungsmittel (E 955), Emulgator [E 322 (SOJA)], Säuerungsmittel [E 300, Backtriebmittel (E 500, Salz)]. Allergene: Kann Spuren von schalenfrüchten und gluten enthalten. Wichtige Information: Kann bei übermäßigem Verzehr abführend wirken. Lagerung: An einem kühlen und trockenen Ort bei bis zu 22°C lagern. Mindestens haltbar bis Ende / Lotnummer: Siehe Verpackung.


HR/BA zoe Nutrition Protein Bar - Pločica obogaćena bjelančevinama s okusom čokolade, s nadjevom od marelica i preljevom od tamne čokolade, sa šećerom i sladilima. Sastojci: Bjelančevinska mješavina (izolat SIRUTKINIH bjelančevina, hidrolizirani peptidi kolagena, koncentrat SIRUTKINIH bjelančevina), 33%, tamna čokolada sa sladilom [kakaova masa, sladilo (E 965)], kakaov maslac, emulgator [E322 (SOJA), aroma], 20%, tvar za zadržavanje vlage (E 422), nadjev s marelicama [šećer, voda, pire od marelice 16%, dekstroza, glukozni sirup, koncentrat pulpe marelice 3.5%, sredstvo za želiranje (E 440), kiselina (E 330), prirodna aroma, regulatori kiselosti (E 333, E 450), konzervans (E 202), 10%], stabilizator (E 1200), tvari za zadržavanje vlage i sladila (E 420, E 965ii), suncokretovo ulje, shea maslac, kakaov prah, aroma, emulgator (E 415), MLIJEKO u prahu, sladilo (E 955), emulgator [E 322 (SOJA)], kiselina [E 300, tvar za rahljenje (E 500, sol)]. Alergeni: Može sadržavati tragove orašastog voća i glutena. Napomena: Prekomjerna konzumacija može imati laksativan učinak. Uvjeti čuvanja: Čuvati na hladnom i suhom mjestu, do 22 °C. . Najbolje upotrijebiti do kraja / LOT broj: Otisnuto na ambalaži.


SI zoe Nutrition Protein Bar - Ploščica obogatena z beljakovinami, s okusom čokolade, s polnjenjem iz marelic in prelivom iz temne čokolade, s sladkorjem in sladili. Sestavine: Beljakovinska mešanica (izolat SIROTKINIH beljakovin, hidrolizirani peptidi kolagena, koncentrat SIROTKINIH beljakovin), 33%, temna čokolada s sladilom [kakavova masa, sladilo (E 965)], kakavovo maslo, emulgator [E322 (SOJA), aroma], 20%, tvar za ohranjanje vlage (E 422), polnjenje s marelicama [sladkor, vodo, pire od marelice 16%, dekstroza, glukozni sirup, koncentrat pulpe marelice 3.5%, želirno sredstvo (E 440), kislina (E 330), naravna aroma, sredstvi za uravnavanje kislosti (E 333, E 450), konzervans (E 202), 10%], stabilizator (E 1200), tvari za ohranjanje vlage (E 420, E 965ii), sončnično olje, karite maslo, kakavov prah, aroma, emulgator (E 415), MLEKO v prahu, sladilo (E 955), emulgator [E 322 (SOJA)], kislina [E 300, sredstvo za vzahajanje (E 500, sol)]. Alergeni: Lahko vsebuje sledi oreščkov in glutena. Navedba: Prekomerno uživanje ima lahko odvajalni učinek. Shranjevanje: Hraniti na hladnem in suhem mestu pri temperaturi do 22°C. Uporabno najmanj do konca / LOT broj: Odtisnjeno na embalaži.


Net Wt / Nettofüllmenge / Neto količina: 50 g. Made for / Hergestellt für / Proizvedeno za: Zoe Fashion Ltd, Samoborska cesta 134, 10090 Zagreb, Croatia / Kroatien / Hrvatska / Hrvaška. Country of origin / Herkunftsland / Zemlja podrijetla / Država izvora: EU; Collagen and whey: non-EU / Kollagen und Molken: nicht-EU / Kolagen i sirutka: ne-EU / Kolagen in sirotka: ne-EU.

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