
The immune system is our body's protective system. Every day, our body faces attacks from the outside. Bacteria, viruses, and other types of harmful parasites try to enter our body, circulate, and weaken our immune system. The role of the immune system is to defend the body against all of these threats. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen it.

Some of the fundamental guidelines on how we can help our immune system and keep it healthy and efficient include ensuring it gets enough quality sleep, physical activity, and, most importantly, a varied diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Plant-based foods and whole grains are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help combat harmful microorganisms. Along with providing sufficient minerals and vitamins, it is equally important to supply the body with an adequate amount of high-quality healthy fats found in fish, chia seeds, nuts, and more. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in omega-3, play a significant role in fighting inflammation in the body. In addition to omega-3, probiotics are also highly recommended. Taking probiotics leads to increased mucus secretion (a protective layer for the intestinal surface), suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestines, and helps the body fight microorganisms more effectively.

Preventive intake of vitamin C in a daily dose of 100-200 mg helps the immune system and positively affects inflammatory cells (increasing their activity). Furthermore, a lack of vitamin D increases the risk of infection and autoimmune diseases. Its deficiency manifests as fatigue, muscle weakness, depression, insomnia, frequent infections, and headaches. Zinc plays a role in the development of immune cells in the body, and its deficiency can intensify their apoptosis (cell death). Taking 75 mg of zinc during illness/cold can reduce the duration of illness. Beta-glucan is one of the most used supplements when it comes to immunity. This supplement is isolated from yeast and fungi and has been shown to lower cholesterol levels in the blood. It is also believed to stimulate the production of leukocytes and platelets and activate macrophages, thus promoting immunity and reducing the symptoms of cold, flu, and upper respiratory tract infections.

Our dietary supplements are the solution for strengthening the immune system throughout the year. Thanks to our dietary supplements, you can support your natural defense with a strengthened immune system.

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