
Creatine is a natural substance that our body produces as a source of energy for muscles. It is primarily produced by the liver, but also by the pancreas and kidneys. The best natural source of creatine is red meat; however, to supply the body with an adequate amount of creatine, one would have to consume significant quantities of meat, which also means a high intake of fats. Therefore, a much better and more convenient choice is creatine in the form of a supplement.

Creatine increases the strength, explosiveness, and endurance of muscle fibers. The increase in strength can range from 0 to 20%, depending on the individual, and approximately 10% of individuals may not experience any strength increase. In other words, creatine does not increase muscle mass, but it enhances muscle endurance. Creatine draws water into the muscle, volumizing it, and its most crucial role is to enable faster replenishment of ATP (the primary source of energy for muscle cells).

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