Dextrose, maltodextrin, and vitargo

Carbohydrates are often divided into two groups. Some prefer to categorize them as simple or complex carbohydrates, while others prefer to classify them as slow and fast carbohydrates.

Slow carbohydrates are carbohydrate supplements and additives whose primary purpose is to replenish glycogen stores in the muscles. Despite their slower absorption, they can efficiently provide the necessary energy to the body and muscles, thereby enhancing muscle growth. They mostly include maltodextrin, maxy waxy maize, or vitargo.

Fast carbohydrates are carbohydrate supplements and additives that are rapidly absorbed in our body. They are especially popular among active athletes and individuals who have trouble building muscle mass. Examples of fast carbohydrates include dextrose, which is the closest to glucose in our bloodstream. Dextrose is a high-glycemic index (GI) monosaccharide, often consumed with whey protein after training to promote a faster and more efficient recovery.

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