A Completely New Protein Formula Designed by Olympic Athletes!
1st Whey protein from the Me:First line is a new protein formula from the most modern sports nutrition line available at Polleo Sport.
In order to achieve the perfect blend, this protein formula is further enriched with L-glutamine and instantized BCAA amino acids. This whey protein formula, designed and approved by nutritionists as a recommendation for all athletes and active individuals looking for the best support for their muscles after activities, is inspired by the desire to provide the best choice in the wide world of proteins.
The fitness industry has never offered a greater range of products in the sports nutrition segment, especially proteins. To meet the protein needs of people with an active lifestyle, 1st Whey protein is made as one of the purest milk proteins on the market, containing a combination of whey protein concentrate, hydrolyzate, and isolate. The product is GMO and gluten-free.
Protein for Every Athlete's Taste!
1st Whey is the ideal choice for anyone looking to increase their daily protein intake, whether they are on a cutting or any other diet, athletes, or recreational exercisers... This line is designed for everyone looking for the best protein option to enrich their shake and speed up recovery after training. The formula has been tested by top athletes who use it in their daily lives.
1st Whey protein comes in a range of flavors such as fragrant and tasty Swiss chocolate, creamy vanilla ice cream, refreshing strawberry, and cookies & cream or jaffa orange for true gourmets. 1st Whey contains no added sugars and is sweetened with sucralose, giving it a rich yet gentle taste. The new formula of 1st Whey contains all essential amino acids, and in one serving, you will get about 5 g of BCAAs and 5 g of L-glutamine. 1st Whey does not contain banned substances, GMO ingredients, added sugars, gluten, or aspartame.
It's quality you can rely on!
Product Features:
- 100% natural whey protein
- Creamy and rich flavor
- Contains all essential amino acids
- Contains about 5 g of BCAAs per serving
- Contains about 5 g of glutamine per serving
- Contains less than 1.5 g of naturally occurring sugars
- No added sugars, sweetened with sucralose
- Contributes to the increase and maintenance of muscle mass
- Contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
- Quickly dissolves
- GMO and gluten-free
1st Whey does not contain:
- Preservatives
- Added sugar
- Gluten
- Hydrogenated vegetable oils
- Aspartame
Pour 200 ml of water or milk into a shaker, add 1 scoop (30 g) of powder, shake well, and consume after training.
Serving size: 30 g
Servings per container: 30
Nutrition Information per / Durchschnittliche Nährwerte pro / Prosječne hranjive vrijednosti na / Povprečne hranilne vrednosti na | 30 g | 100 g |
Serving size / Portionsgröße / Veličina serviranja / Velikost serviranja: 1 scoop / Messlöffel / mjerice / merice (30 g) Servings per package / Portionen pro Packung / Serviranja u pakiranju / Serviranj na pakiranje: 75 | ||
Energy / Energie / Energetska vrijednost / Energijska vrednost | 491 kJ / 116 kcal (6 %) | 1636 kJ / 387 kcal |
Fat / Fett / Masti / Maščobe | 2 g (3 %) | 6,6 g |
- of which saturates / davon gesättigte Fettsäuren / od kojih zasićene masne kiseline / od teh nasičene maščobne kisline | 1,2 g | 4,2 g |
Carbohydrate / Kohlenhydrate / Ugljikohidrati / Ogljikovi hidrati | 1,7 g (1 %) | 5,8 g |
- of which sugars / davon Zucker / od kojih šećeri / od teh sladkorji | 1,4 g (2 %) | 4,7 g |
Fibre / Ballaststoffe / Vlakna / Vlakna | 0,3 g | 1,1 g |
Protein / Eiweiß / Bjelančevine / Beljakovine | 23 g (46 %) | 76 g |
Salt / Salz / Sol | 0,12 g (2 %) | 0,39 g |
iBCAA | 0,15 g | 0,5 g |
L-glutamine / L-Glutamin | 0,3 g | 1 g |
Amino acid profile per / Aminosäureprofil pro / Aminokiselinski profil na / Aminokislinski profil na | 30 g | 100 g |
L-alanine / L-Alanin | 1144 mg | 3815 mg |
L-arginine / L-Arginin | 572 mg | 1907 mg |
L-aspartic acid / L-Asparaginsäure / L-asparaginska kiselina / L-asparaginska kislina | 2172 mg | 7239 mg |
glycine / Glycin / glicin | 455 mg | 1517 mg |
L-histidine / L-Histidin | 398 mg | 1326 mg |
L-isoleucine / L-Isoleucin / L-izoleucin / L-izolevcin | 1262 mg | 4207 mg |
L-leucine / L-Leucin / L-levcin | 2407 mg | 8024 mg |
L-lysine / L-Lysin / L-lizin | 2036 mg | 6787 mg |
L-methionine / L-Methionin / L-metionin | 414 mg | 1381 mg |
L-phenylalanine / L-Phenylalanin / L-fenilalanin | 774 mg | 2579 mg |
L-proline / L-Prolin | 1283 mg | 4278 mg |
L-serine / L-Serin | 1046 mg | 3488 mg |
L-threonine / L-Threonin / L-treonin | 1482 mg | 4941 mg |
L-tryptophan / L-triptofan | 414 mg | 1381 mg |
L-tyrosine / L-Tyrosin / L-tirozin | 676 mg | 2253 mg |
L-valine / L-Valin | 1303 mg | 4344 mg |
Barkod | 3858892293447 |
AT/DE/CH 1st Whey - Molkenproteinpulver, mit Süßungsmittel Geschmack: Kekse und Sahne. Zutaten: MOLKENproteinkonzentrat [aus Milch, Emulgator (Sojalecithin)], fettarmes Kakaopulver (10% Fett), Aroma, Verdickungsmittel (Cellulosegummi), L-Glutamin, MOLKENproteinhydrolysat (aus Milch), iBCAA (L-Leucin, L-Isoleucin, L-Valin), MOLKENproteinisolat (aus Milch), Süßungsmittel (Sucralose). Allergene: Kann Spuren von eiern, sellerie, sulphiten, fisch, krebstieren und schalenfrüchten enthalten. Verzehrempfehlung: Gießen Sie 200 ml Wasser oder Milch in einen Shaker, 1 Beutel (30 g) Pulver hinzugeben, gut schütteln und nach dem Training verzehren. Lagerung: An einem kühlen und trockenen Ort aufbewahren, geschützt vor direkter Sonneneinstrahlung, bei Temperaturen unter 25 °C. . Mindestens haltbar bis Ende / Lotnummer: Siehe Verpackung.
HR/BA 1st Whey - sirutkine bjelančevineu prahu, sa sladilom Okus: Keksi i vrhnje. Sastojci: Koncentrat SIRUTKINIH bjelančevina [iz mlijeka, emulgator (sojin lecitin)], kakaov prah smanjene masti (10% masti), aroma, zgušnjivač (celulozna guma), L-glutamin, hidrolizat SIRUTKINIH bjelančevina (iz mlijeka), iBCAA (L-leucin, L-izoleucin, L-valin), izolat SIRUTKINIH bjelančevina (iz mlijeka), sladilo (sukraloza). Alergeni: Može sadržavati tragove jaja, celera, sulfita, ribe, rakova i orašastog voća. Upute za upotrebu: Uliti 200 ml vode ili mlijeka u shaker, dodati 1 vrećicu (30 g) praha, dobro protresti i konzumirati nakon treninga. . Uvjeti čuvanja: Čuvati na hladnom i suhom mjestu, zaštićeno od izravne sunčeve svjetlosti, pri temperaturi do 25 °C. . Najbolje upotrijebiti do kraja / LOT broj: Otisnuto na ambalaži.
SI 1st Whey - sirotkine beljakovine v prahu, s sladilom Okus: Piškoti in smetana. Sestavine: Koncentrat SIROTKINIH beljakovin [iz mleka, emulgator (sojin lecitin)], manj masten kakavov prah (10% maščobe), aroma, gostilo (celulozni gumi), L-glutamin, hidrolizat SIROTKINIH beljakovin (iz mleka), iBCAA (L-levcin, L-izolevcin, L-valin), izolat SIROTKINIH beljakovin (iz mleka), sladilo (sukraloza). Alergeni: Lahko vsebuje sledi jajc, listne zelene, sulfitov, rib, rakov in oreščkov. Navodila za uporabo: Nalijte 200 ml vode ali mleka v shaker, dodajte 1 vrečico (30 g) prahu, dobro pretresite in konzumirajte po treningu. . Shranjevanje: Hraniti na hladnem in suhem mestu, zaščiteno pred direktno sončno svetlobo, pri temperaturi do 25 °C. . Uporabno najmanj do konca / LOT broj: Odtisnjeno na embalaži.
Net Wt / Nettofüllmenge / Neto količina: 2.27 kg. Made in EU for / Hergestellt in der EU für / Proizvedeno u EU za: Polleo Adria GmbH / d.o.o. / д.о.о., Samoborska cesta 134, 10090 Zagreb, Kroatien / Hrvatska / Hrvaška / Хрватска, tel: 0800 200 167, fax: +385 1 6460 111, e-mail:info@polleosport.com. Verantwortlich für AT: Polleo Sport GmbH, Pluskaufstrasse 7, 4061 Pasching, Österreich www.polleosport.at . Odgovoran za RH: Polleo Adria d.o.o., Samoborska cesta 134, 10090 Zagreb, Hrvatska. Odgovoran za SI: Polleo Sport d.o.o., Miklošičeva cesta 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija. Uvoznik za RS: Polleo Sport d.o.o., Gospodara Vučića 145, 11000 Beograd, Srbija. Увозник за MK: Aхема д.о.о., Загребска 28б, 1000 Скопје, Северна Македонија. Country of origin / Herkunftsland / Zemlja podrijetla / Država izvora: EU.